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源譯識 | 譯文分享:羅盒訴玩友案一審判決(2021)

開放原子 ? 來源:未知 ? 2023-06-21 20:20 ? 次閱讀





3.Regarding the legal nature and validity of the GPLV3.


Firstly, while its content does have features of a contract, the agreement may fall within the scope of a “contract” in a broad sense. GPLV3 is an agreement with preset formatted terms serving a specific project, and once the licensor chooses to apply this agreement, the user(s) of the project must abide by such agreement. GPLV3 is thus a civil legal act executed between the licensor and the user(s) with the aim of opening the source of the software. The licensor grants to unspecified users, the right to copy, modify, redistribute and so on through the GPLV3, which is regarded as an agreement to establish, change, and terminate civil rights and obligations. Both the licensor’s choice of applying the GPLV3 to propagate his/her source code, and the user’s default commitment to subsequently apply GPLV3 when he/she copies, modifies or distributes the source code (so the agreement passes to downstream works), reflect the true intention of both parties. Therefore, the agreement is established and effective as of the moment that the user copies, modifies and distributes the source code. In accordance with relevant provisions of China’s contract law, the Court examined the establishment of an open source license basically following the “offer-acceptance theory”. The theory affirms that the open source license should be a contract between the owner and the user of the software, and such contractual relationship is established between the two parties with a proper execution process: while the release of an open source software is deemed as an offer, and usage by the user is deemed as a promise, then the contract should be established upon the user’s use of the open source software. In this context, open source license should fall within the scope of “contract” in a broad sense.


Secondly, the agreement is an atypical contract. Compared with the provisions of China’s Copyright Law on “contract for copyright licensing and assignment”, the GPLV3 is an agreement where the author of the open source software grants his/her moral rights in part and property rights in whole of his/her copyright to an unspecified user (so the receiver of such grant is uncertain), in exchange for the user’s commitment to abide by the conditions and obligations of the open source license (e.q. promise to share his/her modified source code to the public). In an open source license, there is no consideration of right assignment or payment of royalties, etc. which is typically the main terms in a contract for copyright licensing.


Thirdly, the agreement is a format contract. The GPLV3 is the prewriting contractual provisions to develop a particular open source project, offered by the copyright holder to the user of the software program. The Preamble of the GPLV3 states that “if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same freedom that you received, and you must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code, and you must show them these terms so they know their rights”. As the formatted clauses maintain the inheritance and do not qualify as an invalid format contract, and the contents authorized are in accordance with the provisions of China’s Copyright Law, the GPLV3 is legally binding.


Fourthly, the promise to the agreement is made by an act. The Section 8 of the GPLV3 states that “You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly provided under this License.” Section 9 states that “You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly provided under this License.” Section 10 states that “Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and propagate that work, subject to this License”. The content of this offer indicates that a promise is made by a practical act, and no further contract signing required. Therefore, the above-mentioned provisions of the GPLV3 that a promise can be completed by an act are in compliance with the provisions of contract law on “offer-promise theory”, and thus shall be valid. Furthermore, the licensor or user adds the agreement to an open source project in the form of electronic text, which is a tangible form of expression and thus is regarded as a contract executed in writing.


In conclusion, the GPLV3 is by nature contractual and is a formatted copyright agreement concluded between the licensor and the user, which falls within the scope of the adjustment of China’s contract law.



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原文標題:源譯識 | 譯文分享:羅盒訴玩友案一審判決(2021)


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原文標題:源譯識 | 譯文分享:羅盒訴玩友案一審判決(2021)


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