CC2520 Software Examples User&
大小:522 人氣: 2010-07-02 需要積分:0
This document describes software examples for the CC2520 IEEE 802.15.4 compliant RF transceiver.
It also describes the necessary hardware and software to run the examples, and how to get started. A
comprehensive description of the hardware in the CC2520DK is found in the CC2520 Development Kit
User’s Guide. There is also a CC2520DK Quick Start Guide which gives a short tutorial on how to get
started with the kit. These documents are found? on the CC2520DK website [3]. These software
examples also apply to apply when the CC2520 is used with the CC2591.
Section 3 of this document describes necessary prerequisites and how to get started with the code
examples. Section 4 describes how to run each of the application examples. The software library that
the code examples are built upon is described in section 5. The latter section also gives an API
reference and describes the functionality of the software library.?
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