The MC68040V is a high-performance, 32-bit, 3.3-V, static microprocessor that provides a low-power mode of operation. The MC68040V is MC68LC040 compatible, featuring dual on-chip caches, fully independent instruction and data demand-paged memory management units (MMUs), and a pipelined integer unit. A high degree of instruction execution parallelism is achieved through the use of a full internal Harvard architecture, multiple internal buses, and independent execution units. Accessed through the LPSTOP instruction, a lowpower
mode of operation is provided that allows for full power-down capability. The operating current is further reduced by the use of a 3.3-V power supply. The 3.3-V power supply and the low-power mode reduce system power usage dramatically. The functionality provided by the MC68040V makes it the ideal choice for a range of high-performance, power-sensitive, general computing and embedded processing applications.
mode of operation is provided that allows for full power-down capability. The operating current is further reduced by the use of a 3.3-V power supply. The 3.3-V power supply and the low-power mode reduce system power usage dramatically. The functionality provided by the MC68040V makes it the ideal choice for a range of high-performance, power-sensitive, general computing and embedded processing applications.
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