SPEED: SCUD men determine the belief of keeping pace with the market development in the highest working speed, and satisfying customer’s needs as most as possible
C創新: 技術上的不斷CREATIVE(創新)與突破始終是天力達在市場競爭中的一把利劍。
CREATIVE: Creative idea and breakthrough in technology have become the SCUD’s competitive advantage in the market.
UTMOST: SCUD men always pursue utmost high serving quality.
D誠信:百德誠為先,百事信為本; 市場永在變, DECENT(誠信)永不變,這是天力達人亙古不變的守則。
DECENT: As an old saying ‘Decent leads all other characters’, SCUD men take it as constant rules
企業宗旨共享 共贏 共建 To Share To Win To Build
共享 與客戶共享科技創新所帶來的優質生活
共贏 與供應商、代理商共同贏得利益
共建 與股東、員工、大眾共創和諧社會
“To Share,To Win,ToBuild”is the key value of SCUD,which can be defined as To share the happy life bought by creative technology with the customers,To build the harmonious society with shareholder,staff and the masses。
To win the benefit for sharehoiders,to create comfortable working environment,humane welfare system and complete promotion area for staff,which makes our industry move forward together with the related industrial chain,and contribute to the society。
天力達的S-C-U-D核心價值觀:團隊、快捷、寬容、責任 ┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄ Solidarity團隊:相互依賴、相互關聯、共同合作為負有共同責任的統一目標和標準而奉獻的一群天力達人,勾畫出了天力達明天宏偉的藍圖。 Solidarity: For the common objective, SCUD men sketch the magnificent blueprint of their tomorrow’s enterprise on the base of mutual depending, mutual relating and mutual cooperating. Celerity快捷:快速響應是保持自己成長的重要因素,行動就是一切,言語務求行動的解釋,快捷是每個天力達人工作的準則。 Celerity: Prompt response is the key for self developing. Action represents everything and words should be explained by it. Celerity is kept firmly in mind for every single SCUD man. Understanding寬容:錯誤是前進的源動力,沒有最好,只有更好。我們追求完美,但我們更追求近乎完美的過程。 Understanding: Mistake is the source for forwarding. The better exists without the best. We pursue the ideal process more than the ideal final. Duty責任:責任是心元素,負責任是心的考驗,每天升起的太陽注視著每天的工作從心開始,也注視著天力達人的工作是從心開始的。 Duty: Duty is the ‘heart’ element. We should take responsible from heart. Every morning, with the sun rising, the daily works for SCUD men also arising from their hearts.